New NZ Tax Thresholds
The Government is making changes to personal income tax thresholds from 31 July, 2024. These changes may affect your business if you employ people.
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Budget Summary for Small Business Owners with Trusts in 2024
From 1 April 2024, trustee income tax rises to 39%. Trusts earning <$10,000/year and certain special trusts stay at 33%. Inland Revenue clarifies what actions are acceptable. Will this apply to your [...]
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How deep financial data helps you make better business decisions
There’s a goldmine of financial data buried in your cloud accounting ledgers. We’ve dug out five of the key ways that real-time financial data can help to drive your business decisions.
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Livestock special alert 2024: herd values
Inland Revenue have recently announced this year’s livestock herd scheme values and we’d like to update you on the trends as you consider your livestock valuation election options for the year.
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Using testimonials and case studies to transform your business
Good reviews are sales gold! Ask your most loyal customers why they chose you, or what they like about your product or service. Use these testimonials to do all the talking in your marketing! Here's [...]
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Setting goals for you and your business in 2024
If you are reflecting on where you are at and thinking about your business goals for the year ahead, we can help you establish measurable goals for your business in 2024.
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Xero: How to attach copies of invoices and receipts to transactions
Robertson Bixley accountant Amy Posthuma explains how to attach copies of invoices and receipts to transactions in Xero
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A business budget will help with your financial decision making
Having control over your spending and expenses is a key part of good budgeting. Talk to us about your business plans.
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Can business automation streamline your business?
Don’t know your automation from your elbow? Our guide shows you how automating your systems is the key to scaling up your business.
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Writing a business plan? Read our guide
A business without a plan is like a ship without a rudder. Read our guide to writing a business plan and find out the major benefits of having a detailed roadmap to follow.
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What will a National-led government mean for your taxes?
What are National’s proposed tax changes? Shifted income tax brackets, restored interest deductibility, a two-year bright line test and FamilyBoost.
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10 hot questions to ask yourself as a business owner
Want to push your business to the next level? We’ve shared 10 hot questions to ask yourself as a business owner, with advice on how they will drive your growth and success.
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How much should you pay yourself?
As a business owner, how much should you pay yourself? It depends on how much your business can afford, market pay rates, and whether reinvestment could pay dividends.
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5 ways to overcome economic uncertainty
We live in uncertain financial times, where running a successful business can be a challenge. We’ve highlighted five strategies for navigating economic uncertainty.
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It’s tough at the top (and that’s why you need a business coach)
It’s tough at the top, and that’s why you need an experienced business coach to work with. We’ve highlighted the key benefits that an independent coach brings to you and your business.
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Meet Accountant Tracy Doggett
Tracy Doggett is another new member of the Robbix team. She joins us as an accountant and reveals a little more about herself...
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Farewell, Lynda
We bid farewell to Lynda Bixley recently. After more than 35 years working with the team, she's now settling into retirement and life post-Robbix. 
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Meet Senior Accountant Craig Carpenter
A warm welcome to Craig Carpenter and his clients! Craig has been working alongside our team at our Coles Crescent office for many years and is now on our team as a senior accountant. 
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How running a lean business model improves your cashflow and efficiency
Switching to a lean business model could be the most effective way to grow your manufacturing business. We’ve picked out five ways that lean helps your business meet its goals.
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Seminar series at DoubleTree: Cashflow Management
Making great business profit is little comfort when what's left in your bank account doesn't reflect this. If you would like to increase the cashflow in your business, join us at our Cashflow [...]
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What’s the difference between employees and contractors? And why does it matter.
Inland Revenue takes a tough stance on employers who ignore their PAYE obligations by treating employees as contractors. Make sure you are keeping good records and are clear on your obligations.
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New top tax rate for trusts – what does it mean for you?
The tax rate for trusts will increase to 39% from 1 April 2024 – will this apply to your trust and what actions should you take if it does?
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Provisional tax: What you need to know
Provisional tax is income tax paid in advance of the end of the financial year, or paid as you go. And, it’s important to get it right. We’ll help work out what’s best for you and your business.
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Understanding the Use of Money Interest (UOMI) System
Some taxpayers are subject to use of money interest (UOMI) when they don’t pay their tax, pay late or underpay. Make sure you have a broad idea of your likely tax commitments in advance. We are [...]
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How builders and tradies can survive and thrive in a downturn
For builders and tradies, there could be a slowdown ahead in the construction sector. Now’s your chance to think about strategies to help your business survive – and thrive – if times get tough.
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Fringe benefit tax – The cost of employee perks
Fringe Benefit Tax is one of the trickier areas of day-to-day taxes for businesses. We can help you understand the complete costs of those perks and look at options.
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Could the Government help you grow this year?
If you are a small business in New Zealand, you may be eligible for Government support, in the form of grants, mentoring or low-cost business advice. Talk to us.
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Support for businesses hit by Cyclone Gabrielle
If your business has been affected by flooding or Cyclone Gabrielle, you may be eligible for support packages. We can help you find out what’s available and apply for funding.
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Xero: Four top bank-reconciliation tips
Top tips for Xero users with bank reconciliation
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Keeping your cashflow strong in tough times
Weathering the storm? Small businesses are particularly vulnerable in tough economic times. We can help with strategies for healthy cash flow, so you can continue to thrive.
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Navigating inflation: Why cash is king
With inflation pressure, supply chain issues, and bank support getting harder to access, keeping tabs on your cashflow is more important than ever.
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Christmas Donations: The Tax Upside
Giving is good! Donations not only help the charities that receive them, but they can boost your happiness and provide you with tax credits.
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We’re collecting Christmas presents for whānau of Papakura marae
We want everyone in our community to have a magical Christmas, which is why we're collecting presents for our local marae to distribute to whānau who may not otherwise be able to afford to buy [...]
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Webinar: Attracting and Retaining Talent Webinar
In this complimentary webinar, Robertson Bixley Director Rodney Guy will show you practical and proven ways to attract and retain team members.
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Webinar: The 3 Essential Tools for Business Success
Whether you want more money to enjoy your desired lifestyle, more time for your family or friends, or less stress, in this webinar Robertson Bixley Director Nick Bixley shares the three business [...]
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Cost of Living Allowance: What you need to know
What you need to know about the Cost of Living Allowance.
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Update: Trusts and the changes you need to be aware of
There have been a number of updates of late in relation to both the governance and reporting requirements of Trusts as a result of the The Trust Act 2019. Here's what you need to know.
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Work with us: We’re seeking a BAS Accountant
The Robertson Bixley team is looking forward to welcoming a new BAS Accountant on board. Is it you?
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Farewell to our founding partner, Selwyn
After more than fifty years, our founding partner Selwyn Robertson is hanging up his hat.
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Real estate sector, the Inland Revenue spotlight is on you
Inland Revenue has announced that they will be taking a deeper look into the business activities of real estate agents. Because of this, here's what our real estate sector clients need to check;
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Webinar: Your Personal Budget
In this complimentary webinar, Robertson Bixley Director Rodney Guy helps you understand the importance of creating and monitoring your personal budget, gain confidence to reflect on your spending [...]
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Meet our new Director, Nick
A warm welcome to Nick Bixley, who joins Russell, Rodney and Fono as a Director.
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Year-end accounts: What you need to do this March
March 31 is looming and now is the time to tidy up any loose ends so your accounts are ready for us come April. We've put together the following tips to help you out:
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COVID-19: Support for businesses
Here's where you will find the latest information on the Covid-19 support available for businesses.
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Webinar: Reclaiming your time
In this complimentary webinar, Robertson Bixley Director Rodney Guy helps you understand why we'll always be busy, the mindsets needed to reclaim your time, how you can identify where time is being [...]
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Webinar: Redefining Success
The events of the past two years have shone a light on what is important.  Now is the time to redefine success for you, your business, and your team, and to reset your plan to achieve this.
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Webinar: Seven ways to grow your business
This session with Robertson Bixley Director Rodney Guy is about challenging you to do better in business so you can get the results you've never achieved.
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Webinar: Know your numbers
In this webinar, Robertson Bixley Director Rodney Guy explains why you need to know your numbers, the difference between profit and cash, the key drivers of business value, protecting your assets, [...]
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Webinar: Bolstering Your Balance Sheet
This topic might initially seem quite technical and daunting but tune in to the webinar below to learn how to better understand your balance sheet.
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The bright line property rule
Here's what you need to know about paying tax when you sell a property.
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Contractor or employee?
Inland Revenue recently reminded their newsletter subscribers of the legal tests required to determine whether someone working for you is an independent contractor.
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Meet our new Director, Fono
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Fono Sosene to our leadership team. He joins Russell and Rodney as a Director.
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A Business Development Case Study: Whiti Cross WOD
Start-up business owner Rachel Subritzky knew early-on that our Business Development service would help her new business grow.
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