
Start-up business owner Rachel Subritzky knew early-on that our Business Development service would help her new business grow.

Rachel’s business is Whiti Cross WOD, where she runs group strength and conditioning classes for the Whitianga community.

The classes combine weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio within a family, community environment.

Rachel’s husband recommended the service having seen success with Business Development for his own business, Naylor Homes.


Planning for success

“Being a new business I realised this was something I needed to do to grow,” says Rachel.

So she joined forces with Rodney Guy as her Robertson Bixley Business Development Partner.

To start the process, Rodney emphasised the importance of being proactive and not having excuses for yourself.

“It was a good start. It demonstrated how we, as business owners, often make up excuses to reason why we’re not getting the clients we want,” she says.

During the four-hour planning session Rodney and Rachel reviewed the business’s finance, and identified its target market, vision, values and purpose.

Rachel says identifying her vision, values and purpose was an important step that Rodney helped her work through.

“You’re not quite sure of these things when you’re starting out but now that I have them in place I am sure of the reason I’m doing it.”

They also established three sets of goals; five-year, 12-month, and 90-day.

By the end of the session, Rachel was armed with a one-page business plan and the refreshed confidence to move her business forward.

Breaking down long-term goals into short-term actions

With her Business Plan as a guide, she set out to implement changes to set her new business on course for success.

Every 90-days she and Rodney will check in “to make sure I’m reaching the goals we had put in place for those 90 days.”.

Rachel says the 90-day check ins keep her accountable.

One of Rachel’s longer-term goals is to expand the gym space so there are a number of short-term actions she must take to reach this goal.

As well as doing things like putting contracts in place, creating welcome and nutrition packs, and gaining a certain number of new members each month, one of Rachel’s actions is to sell herself.

“It’s so hard to sell yourself. Rodney said it’s so important to tell people what your benefits are and the values that people are going to get from your business.

“So I’ve written a script for myself and everytime a member comes in I tell them what benefits they’re going to get out of it so I am more likely to attract them.”

Robertson Bixley partnership the key to success

Partnering with Robertson Bixley for her Business Development connects “really well” with your finances, says Rachel.

“It’s great to have just one person looking at your goals alongside your budgeting and finance to see how and where to grow.

“I’m only at the beginning but I am already reaping the benefits. I can see my business growing.

“It is worth the investment. I would recommend it to every business owner because you can visually see where you want to be. It really motivates you to be present and committed to your business.”

Contact Robertson Bixley today to find out more about Business Development for your business.