
Tracy Doggett is another new member of the Robbix team. She joins us as an accountant and reveals a little more about herself below…

Tracy website photo 2 (5)

I’m a twin and my sister is super awesome, she gets this from me.  I really enjoy making crafts with a group of girlfriends on a regular basis, and I’ve got a thriving vegetable garden.  I have a nearly 32-year-old son, and still hope one day to be a nana.

Why did you decide to join the Robbix team?  I joined for the weekly free coffee, chocolate biscuits, and the good company vibes.

What is the best financial advice you’ve ever received? My family were risk adverse and believed that working hard was the only way to succeed.  If I had received financial advice, I think the best I could have been given was to buy a house, no matter how hard it may have seemed at the time.

One common mistake most business owners make is… Not putting enough aside for taxes etc.

Anything else you would like to add?  Surround yourself with assets, not liabilities.