
Do you know you and your business are capable of more?

Our Business Development service will give you clarity, motivation and confidence to stop procrastinating, move forward and grow.

With a focus on helping you create time, mind and financial freedom, you will have your own Robertson Bixley Business Development Partner on your team to turn these freedoms into reality.

Look at it like an investment in creating long term value for your business. Success is about planning, and we want to help you achieve success by getting to the heart and soul of your business.

How it works

1. Complimentary Review

We start by sitting down with you to learn more about your business and address matters that aren’t covered in your general year-end tax meeting.

2. Business Planning Session

Now that we have a greater understanding of your vision and core values, the next step is a facilitated four-hour planning session with you.With your Robertson Bixley Business Development Partner you will review your past performance and clarify your future direction.

Together we will identify and agree on:

  • Areas that require attention
  • Solid and realistic business goals
  • Defined strategies for achieving them

These elements then come together to form a clear and concise one-page Business Plan for you and your business.

This will guide you (and your team) as you implement your desired changes, review actual performance against targets, and ensure your business is on course for success.

3. 90-Day Check-ins

Every 90-days your Robertson Bixley Business Development Partner will meet with you to check in on your action items and establish a fresh action plan for the next 90 days.This will keep you focused and on top of immediate and critical issues.

Rodney was a fantastic trainer - very knowledgeable and helpful as he led us through the Business Planning session. We now better understand why we do business and our point of difference vs. other painting contractors. I have more confidence in the business going forward with the KPI's and action plan we’ve created.
Michelle Chitty
Spitfire Painting Limited
The Business Planning session with Rodney fostered open discussions about the direction of the business. Being together in one room, we were able to develop and align around a clear business purpose and mission.
Rachelle Tapara
TPF Limited
Business coaching with Robertson Bixley has challenged our thinking and pushed us. We’re now clear on where we're going, what we need to do to get there, potential hurdles and have a plan to mitigate them as best as possible.
The Business Planning session is invaluable. It’s helped the directors gain clarity and a clear vision on how to move forward in a structured and clear way. We are a $12 million revenue business and will potentially be at $20 million in a couple years because we now have clarity on how to make changes to reach our operational and financial goals.
Accurate Infrastructure
Every single Business Planning session has been a major benefit to us.  The sessions allow us to work on the business and bounce ideas off each other.  Meeting with Rodney confirms what areas we are lacking in, how to address these issues so we can be more efficient and hold us accountable on the steps we need to take.  
We have a whole new outlook on our business and the running of a business. The business planning session gave us the peace of mind that what we are doing is right, we just need to tweak a few areas and were given the tools to go about making those changes happen.
Time passes so quickly it’s easy to carry on in autopilot without making a purposeful plan. But getting involved with business planning sessions has meant we are now in a proactive space, have financial clarity, clear short-term goals which are moving us towards long-term planning.
Amber and Willy Jones
You just need to make time for business development. It is a priority if you want to move ahead with business planning and organisation. I have my notes above my desk and they have become easy reference tools. I look at them every morning to give me motivation and purpose for the day's work.
Janine Williams
We now have a plan of attack to be able to successfully grow our business. We’ve been able to identify areas to work on within the business, set realistic goals with timelines to achieve them, and plan for the future.
Andy Donaldson and Eden Lapwood
It was great to work through ideas on making the business more efficient. Speaking to someone about the business and sharing ideas on improving it makes a difference. The Business Planning session has given me direction, an action plan and motivation.
The Business Development session demonstrated how we, as business owners, often make up excuses about why we’re not getting the clients we want.
Rachel Subritzky
The Business Planning session has given me more than a plan. I have accountability, direction and more confidence as a business owner.

Key benefits

of Business Development

  • Review and set business direction
  • Align goals amongst directors
  • Identify Gross Revenue Targets and Key Performance Indicators
  • Establish a robust accountability system
  • Identify critical challenges and opportunities in your business and actions required to resolve or maximise them
  • Set timeframes for achieving goals
  • Identify what support and resources you will need to achieve your goals
  • Communicate your business goals and vision with your team
  • Develop Financial Forecasts
  • Set team member goals and targets


Start-up business owner Rachel Subritzky knew early-on that our Business Development service would help her new business grow.

Rachel’s business is Whiti Cross WOD, where she runs group strength and conditioning classes for the Whitianga community.

The classes combine weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio within a family, community environment.

Rachel’s husband recommended the service having seen success with Business Development for his own business, Naylor Homes.

Ready to take the next step?